Fulbright Research Project News Personal Experiences of Fulbright Research Projects University of South Florida

USF Fulbright Symposium

On Wednesday 3rd April I will be delivering the keynote speech, “Further & Adult Education in the ‘Path’ of the Perfect Storm” at the USF Fulbright Symposium.

My talk will explore the recent changes in adult and higher education in Ireland. I will also outline American transformative learning theory as applied to internal and external learning spaces for the individual.

I would be delighted to engage in a broader dialogue and discussion about how American transformative learning theory can enhance the teaching-learning environment for teachers in adult education in Ireland, at the Fulbright reception following the presentation.

The hashtag for the event is #FulbrightUSF should you wish to join the conversation online.

Handout FB USF Key Note Delivered 02042014

News Research Projects TEQ Research Project

TEQ Research Project

New TEQ Website

You will soon be invited to participate in the TEQ website.

The SoLLE TEQ research project is moving into Stage 2. Valerie and myself will keep you informed of progress both in the USA and in Ireland, through a special website for the TEQ research project participants.



Thought for today

picture by Moyan Brenn on Flickr
picture by Moyan Brenn on Flickr
Don’t go where the road leads; go where there is no road and make a path…
Fulbright Research Project News Research Projects

Fulbright Awards Ceremony 2013

The Fulbright Awards Ceremony was held in Dublin Castle earlier this month.

fulbright awards, Dublin Castle 2013

Waterford Institute of Technology have added a press release about the event to their website.

Trinity College Dublin also have some coverage of the ceremony.