
Peer Reviewed Publications

View Anne’s full list of publications on Research Gate.

Graham Cagney, A and Coghlan, D. “Process Consultation as a Mechanism of Transformative Learning: Informing Management Learning”, Journal of Management Learning, for publication 2014.

Graham Cagney, A. (2014). Transformative Learning. in SAGE Dictionary of Action Research, David Coghlan & Mary Brydon-Miller (Eds), SAGE Publications

Graham Cagney, A. (2014) Cognitive Mapping, in SAGE Dictionary of Action Research, David Coghlan & Mary Brydon-Miller (Eds), SAGE Publications

Coghlan, D. and Graham Cagney, A. (2013), “Multisensory Holistic Immersion”: The Method of Insider Inquiry Skills as a Threshold Concept”, Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education for publication Issue 5, 2013.

Paul Coughlan & Anne Graham, Embedding a Threshold Concept in Teaching and Learning of Product Development Management, Creativity and Innovation Management, 18, (3), 2009, p190 – 198.

Anne Graham and David Coghlan, Creating the learning space for insider inquiry: Threshold concepts in observing organisations.  In C. Rust (ed.), Improving Student Learning through the Curriculum, Proceedings of 2008 16th International Symposium, Improving Student Learning, Oxford Brookes University: Oxford (pp. 220-232).

Anne Graham , ‘People are saying……..’: Can a culture that has supported organizational success, also act as a mechanism to prevent failure in times of change and evolution?” paper delivered at the ISEOR International Conference and Doctoral Consortium. Published by the  Academy of Management Organization Development and Change Division.  Summer 2006.

Non-peer Reviewed & Conference Papers

Valerie Mannix and Anne Graham Cagney, Toward a conceptual framework of personal, professional and situational teacher identity: A study of multiple teacher selves in Further and Adult Education in Ireland, Conference paper for Durham University, UK, Conference ‘Screaming in a 20-mile zone: Academic Identities in 2014’ 8-9 July 2014.

Anne Graham Cagney and Valerie Mannix, Designing the Plane While Flying It: A Study of Teacher Training for Further Education in Ireland”. Conference paper delivered at British Education Research Association, Annual Conference 3-5 September 2013, University of Sussex, England.

Anne Graham Cagney, Enhancing Teaching-Learning Environments in Professional Development Programmes in Education. Conference paper delivered at 3rd Annual Action Research Colloquium, 20-21 June 2013. Institute of Technology Tralee, Co Kerry, Ireland.

Anne Graham Cagney, The TEQ experience: Professional Development Programmes for Further and Adult Education Teachers. 1st Annual Teaching & Learning Symposium. 11 June 2013. Waterford Institute of Technology, Waterford, Ireland. 

Anne Graham Cagney and Valerie Mannix, ‘Interdisciplinary Ways of Thinking and Practicing . . . . Without Tears’. Conference paper delivered at the International Higher Education Teaching and Learning Association (HETL) Conference, Exploring Spaces for Learning, January 13-15, 2013, to be held at University of Central Florida, Orlando, Florida.

Anne Graham Cagney and Paul Coughlan, “Doctoral Education at the ‘Eye’ of the Perfect Storm’. Conference paper delivered at the 4th Biennial Threshold Concepts Conference and 6th NAIRTL Annual Conference June. Threshold Concepts in Doctoral Supervision.  28th & 29th June, 2012 at Trinity College Dublin.

Anne Graham Cagney, ‘Finding the Red Thread’. Conference paper presented at the Action Research Colloquium, June 9th & 10th, 2011, held at Waterford Institute of Technology, Waterford, Ireland.

Paul Coughlan and Anne Graham, Embedding a Threshold Concept in Teaching and Learning of Product Development Management. Conference paper presented at NAIRTL, 3RD Annual Conference. Research-Teaching Linkages: Practice & Policy, 6th November 2009 at Trinity College Dublin.

Anne Graham & Jacqueline Potter, Threshold Concepts: Enabling Open Dialogue on Teaching and Learning within and across Traditional Boundaries?  Conference paper presented at NAIRTL 2nd Annual Conference. Teaching and Learning in Higher Education: Challenging Assumptions, 13-14 November, 2008, at Waterford Institute of Technology, Waterford.

Anne Graham, Exploring How the ‘Learning Space’ of an Executive Education Programme can Facilitate Students’ Understanding of EMBA Threshold Concepts and Troublesome Knowledge. Paper presented at the Second Biennual Symposium on Threshold Concepts, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, June 2008.